Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 2, p. 19- 26. UDC 342.413 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Тегизбекова Ж. – преподаватель

Тегизбекова Ж.
Abstract in Russian:

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the
Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Keywords in Russian:

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Тегизбекова Ж.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the
Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Тегизбекова Ж.
Abstract in English:

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the
Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Keywords in English:

The article discovers essence of the democracy, legality and form of government in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main issues of the functioning of the constitutional system in the Kyrgyz Republic are opened widely in the article. The solutions of constitutional problems and possible form of governance in the view of the author appropriate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

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Тегизбекова Ж. ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ КОНСТИТУЦИОННОГО СТРОЯ КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ / Ж. Тегизбекова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 2. S. 19- 26.