Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 3, p. 88- 94. UDC 330.131.7 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Черкасова В.А. – канд. экон. наук, Фирма ГУ – ВШЭ, г. Москва

Черкасова В.А.
Abstract in Russian:

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any
business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their
development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

Keywords in Russian:

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

Черкасова В.А.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any
business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their
development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

Черкасова В.А.
Abstract in English:

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any
business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their
development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

Keywords in English:

Ambiguity, real socio-economic processes, variety of possible situations of realization of the decision, presence of the incomplete information creates the certain difficulties for any business, including electronic. In clause the basic risks, stirring to development of electronic business are considered. The reasons of occurrence of such risks come to light; their development in conditions of a varying environment business is traced.

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Черкасова В.А. РИСК-МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ В ЭЛЕКТРОННОМ БИЗНЕСЕ / В.А. Черкасова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 3. S. 88- 94.