Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 3, p. 177- 179. UDC 726.2 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Муксинов Р.М. – доктор архитектуры, профессор,
Султанова Н.Г. – доцент

Муксинов Р.М., Султанова Н.Г.
Abstract in Russian:

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX
century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

Keywords in Russian:

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

Муксинов Р.М., Султанова Н.Г.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX
century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

Муксинов Р.М., Султанова Н.Г.
Abstract in English:

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX
century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

Keywords in English:

In article main principles and receptions of use of a decor, ornamental design in memorial constructions decorating are resulted. Parallels between medieval architecture and XIX–XX century and the analysis of the basic kinds of decorating of mausoleums are conducted.

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Муксинов Р.М. АРХИТЕКТУРНЫЕ ПРИЕМЫ ДЕКОРИРОВАНИЯ МЕМОРИАЛЬНЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ / Р.М. Муксинов, Н.Г. Султанова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 3. S. 177- 179.