Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 5, p. 13- 16. UDC 617.542+61 (09) (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Фунлоэр И.С. – докт. мед. наук, профессор

Фунлоэр И.С.
Abstract in Russian:

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Keywords in Russian:

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Фунлоэр И.С.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Фунлоэр И.С.
Abstract in English:

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

Keywords in English:

In the article describes in detail the history of development and formation of thoracic surgery in the Kyrgyzstan at the time of Soviet Union, it also describes direct achievements, process and prospects of thoracic surgery in modern Kyrgyzstan.

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Фунлоэр И.С. ГРУДНАЯ ХИРУРГИЯ В КЫРГЫЗСТАНЕ / И.С. Фунлоэр // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 5. S. 13- 16.