Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 5, p. 35- 37. UDC 616.31-001.17-006.6-089 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Шалтакова Г.Ч. – канд. мед. наук, докторант,
Матеев М.А. – докт. мед. наук

Шалтакова Г.Ч., Матеев М.А.
Abstract in Russian:

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

Keywords in Russian:

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

Шалтакова Г.Ч., Матеев М.А.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

Шалтакова Г.Ч., Матеев М.А.
Abstract in English:

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

Keywords in English:

We presented our clinical experience reconstruction of 169 patients with burn deformations. The reconstruction was made with using of free vascularized flap transferring. We observed complete survival of the flap in 93,5% patients.

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Шалтакова Г.Ч. РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ ПОСЛЕОЖОГОВЫХ РУБЦОВЫХ ДЕФОРМАЦИЙ / Г.Ч. Шалтакова, М.А. Матеев // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 5. S. 35- 37.