Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 5, p. 77- 80. UDC 616.366-089.87 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Садырбеков Ж.С. – канд. мед. наук, доцент,
Султангазиев Р.А. – канд. мед. наук, ст. преподаватель,
Буларкиев А.Б. – врач-ординатор,
Раимкулов А.Э. – канд. мед. наук, ст. преподаватель,
Галиулин М.Ш. – студент

Садырбеков Ж.С., Султангазиев Р.А., Буларкиев А.Б., Раимкулов А.Э., Галиулин М.Ш.
Abstract in Russian:

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

Keywords in Russian:

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

Садырбеков Ж.С., Султангазиев Р.А., Буларкиев А.Б., Раимкулов А.Э., Галиулин М.Ш.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

Садырбеков Ж.С., Султангазиев Р.А., Буларкиев А.Б., Раимкулов А.Э., Галиулин М.Ш.
Abstract in English:

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

Keywords in English:

The article illustrates an experience of implementing laporoscopic cholecystectomy, made to 24 people as a method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis. Also comparative analysis of the results of operation with 24 patients to whom cholecystectomy had been made by means of laporotomic approach is shown.

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Садырбеков Ж.С. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ЛАПАРОСКОПИЧЕСКОЙ ХОЛЕЦИСТЭКТОМИИ В ПРАКТИКУ / Ж.С. Садырбеков, Р.А. Султангазиев, А.Б. Буларкиев and etc. // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 5. S. 77- 80.