Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 5, p. 107- 109. UDC 616-056.44 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Ахунбаева Н.И. – докт. мед. наук, профессор,
Ошиков О.Ш. – аспирант

Ахунбаева Н.И., Ошиков О.Ш.
Abstract in Russian:

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

Keywords in Russian:

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

Ахунбаева Н.И., Ошиков О.Ш.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

Ахунбаева Н.И., Ошиков О.Ш.
Abstract in English:

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

Keywords in English:

In this article the general questions of iodine deficit diseases, in particular endemics goiter, diagnostic questions, prevention and preoperational preparations of patients with expressed phenomenon of tereotoxics are highlighted.

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Ахунбаева Н.И. НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЙОДОДЕФИЦИТНЫХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ / Н.И. Ахунбаева, О.Ш. Ошиков // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 5. S. 107- 109.