Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 6, p. 10- 16. UDC 339.138 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Кожамкулова Ж.Т. – канд. экон. наук, доцент КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби

Кожамкулова Ж.Т.
Abstract in Russian:

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

Keywords in Russian:

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

Кожамкулова Ж.Т.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

Кожамкулова Ж.Т.
Abstract in English:

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

Keywords in English:

There are particular and general methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative market research taken under consideration in the article. The analysis of the development tendencies of the domestic market in retrospect is studied, as well as the practice of different methods of research at the level of professional market participants.

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Кожамкулова Ж.Т. МЕТОДЫ КОЛИЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И КАЧЕСТВЕННЫХ МАРКЕТИНГОВЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ / Ж.Т. Кожамкулова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 6. S. 10- 16.