Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 7, p. 15- 18. UDC 004 (084.4) (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Зайнулин Р.Ш. – соискатель,
Элеманова Р.Т. – аспирант

Зайнулин Р.Ш., Элеманова Р.Т.
Abstract in Russian:

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

Keywords in Russian:

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

Зайнулин Р.Ш., Элеманова Р.Т.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

Зайнулин Р.Ш., Элеманова Р.Т.
Abstract in English:

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

Keywords in English:

Given the history of the Great Silk road, to antiquities and in the Middle Ages. Further use of century experiences of social and economic and cultural development of our republic on the basis of the analysis of the existing scientific literature on problems of history of the Great Silk way is traced.

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Зайнулин Р.Ш. ПРОБЛЕМНО-ОРИЕНТИРОВАННЫЙ ПОДХОД В СОЗДАНИИ ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО АТЛАСА / Р.Ш. Зайнулин, Р.Т. Элеманова // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 7. S. 15- 18.