Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 10, p. 45- 50. UDC 535. 33;37 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Кидибаев М.М. – докт. физ.-мат. наук, чл.-корр. НАН КР

Кидибаев М.М.
Abstract in Russian:

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

Keywords in Russian:

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

Кидибаев М.М.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

Кидибаев М.М.
Abstract in English:

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

Keywords in English:

The luminescence spectra of NaF and NaF:U,Cu crystals in vacuum-ultraviolet region were studied. The system of configuration coordinates for Cu+ center was offered. It was shown that power transfer from excited 4p-state of Cu+ to U6+ ions flowed rather effectively. It was concluded that NaF:U,Cu crystals can be applied as optical materials of multifunctional purpose.

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Кидибаев М.М. ВУФ-СПЕКТРОСКОПИЯ ОБЪЕМНЫХ И ВОЛОКОННЫХ КРИСТАЛЛОВ ФТОРИДА НАТРИЯ / М.М. Кидибаев // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 10. S. 45- 50.