Registered in RSCI
Journal" Herald of KRSU", 2008 year, Tom 8, no 10, p. 127- 133. UDC 533.6.011 (575.2) (04)
Information about authors:

Тыныбеков А.К. – канд. физ.-мат. наук, ст. научн. сотрудник

Тыныбеков А.К.
Abstract in Russian:

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Keywords in Russian:

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Тыныбеков А.К.
Astract in Kyrgyz :

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Keywords in Kyrgyz:

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Тыныбеков А.К.
Abstract in English:

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Keywords in English:

In the given work the basic models of current and pressure arising on a surface flowed round by a supersonic stream at injection of gas with the purpose of creation of additional aerodynamic forces are resulted. The gas-dynamic scheme of current which is the common for the majority of cases of jets interaction is shown.

Copy the output according to GOST
Тыныбеков А.К. СТРУЯ В СВЕРХЗВУКОВОМ ПОТОКЕ / А.К. Тыныбеков // Herald of KRSU. 2008. T. 8. No 10. S. 127- 133.