Зарегистрированы в РИНЦ
Журнал «Вестник КРСУ», 2008 год, Том 8, № 3, Стр. 117-119. УДК 327 (575.2) (04)
Сведения об авторах:

Кадыркулова А.С. – канд. полит. наук,
Абдужабаров Х.А. – доцент, Бишкекский гуманитарный университет

Кадыркулова А.С., Абдужабаров Х.А.
Аннотация на русском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

Ключевые слова на русском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

Кадыркулова А.С., Абдужабаров Х.А.
Аннотация на кыргызском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

Ключевые слова на кыргызском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

Кадыркулова А.С., Абдужабаров Х.А.
Аннотация на английском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

Ключевые слова на английском языке:

It is shown, that the formation of political culture in Kyrgyzstan is at the initial state of development. Specificity of source Kyrgyz society and influence of western political culture are described.

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Кадыркулова А.С. ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА КЫРГЫЗСТАНА / А.С. Кадыркулова, Х.А. Абдужабаров // Вестник КРСУ. 2008. Т. 8. № 3. С. 117-119.