Зарегистрированы в РИНЦ
Журнал «Вестник КРСУ», 2008 год, Том 8, № 7, Стр. 127-134. УДК 008:271.2 (575.2) (04)
Сведения об авторах:

Озмитель Е.Е. – докторант

Озмитель Е.Е.
Аннотация на русском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Ключевые слова на русском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Озмитель Е.Е.
Аннотация на кыргызском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Ключевые слова на кыргызском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Озмитель Е.Е.
Аннотация на английском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Ключевые слова на английском языке:

Article Orthodox samizdat by Ms E. Ozmitel is devoted to the texts of marginal areas of Russian spiritual culture in Kirghizstan. The article states the urgency of widening of historical and culturological studies, requirement of interdisciplinary approach to the study of religious ideas and daily religious practice.

Скопировать выходные данные по ГОСТУ
Озмитель Е.Е. “ПРАВОСЛАВНЫЙ САМИЗДАТ” В КИРГИЗИИ / Е.Е. Озмитель // Вестник КРСУ. 2008. Т. 8. № 7. С. 127-134.