Requirements to execution of article in the scientific journal “Vestnik KRSU”
The journal “Vestnik KRSU” publishes scientific articles, reviews of the editions, scientific messages containing results of original scientific research. Estimated headings for placement in the journal: natural and technical science (physical and mathematical sciences, technical science, power, construction and architecture, earth sciences), social and economic sciences (economic sciences, jurisprudence, pedagogical sciences, political science, sociological sciences), the humanities (historical sciences and archeology, philosophical sciences, philological sciences, psychological sciences), medicine (clinical medicine, preventive medicine, medico-biological sciences).
The represented materials have to be issued according to these rules and correspond to thematic orientation of the journal. A journal editorial board reviews manuscripts. For review of an issue about the publication of article, her author needs to submit in the editorial office of the journal the following materials:
1. Listing of article in duplicate with signatures of the author (authors) and also on electronic media (a Flash-disk in the doc format). For nonresident authors materials are enough to be sent to the e-mail address or post article on the information portal “Vestnik KRSU” at;
2. At the beginning of article are specified:
- number on the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
- the topical rubricator of the 2nd or 3rd level (up to 3 headings)
- full name of article in the Russian, English and Kyrgyz languages ( for authors from Kyrgyzstan);
- surname and initials of the author (authors) in the Russian, English languages;
- abstract, keywords in Russian;
- abstract, keywords in English;
- abstract, keywords in Kyrgyz ( for authors from Kyrgyzstan);
The abstract has to include short characteristic of the main subject, problem of the scientific article, the purpose of work and its results. Specify in the summary that new is born in itself by this article in comparison with related on subject and purpose, should not contain references to literature, abbreviation and reduction.
- keywords (no more than 10 words). Keywords have to reflect the scientific direction of the journal “Vestnik KRSU” and, reflect the main contents of article, subject domain of a research; to be built from the general to the particular; not to repeat terms of the title and the abstract.
The information about the author(s) at the end of the article in a form: full name; degree; position and rank, the place work of the author(s) in the Russian and English; contact phone with area code; e-mail. The name of scientific institution (institute, university) has to correspond accepted in this institution;
3. Have to find reflection in the scientific article:
- statement of a problem, its relevance and scientific novelty;
- the analysis of the put problem;
- proposals of authors on a solution;
- conclusions, the expected effect;
- the used literature. Location in the order of reference of literature in the text of the article (sequential).
The text of the article should be structured into subsections: introduction, relevance, materials and methods of research conclusions, gratitude (if there is financial support for the research).
Technical requirements
• The volume of article should not exceed 10-15 pages of computer set (the Times New Roman font, 14 size, 1.5 interval).
• The text has to be printed by an accurate black font on one party of a sheet of white paper of standard A4 format (210x297 mm); fields of pages: top and lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm.
• Graphic material (the photo, drawings, schedules, schemes including scanned) is represented in a graphic format.
• All formulas have to be gathered in the editor of formulas Math Type.
• The name of article - in the center capital, in bold, 14 size, in three options: in the Russian, Kyrgyz and English languages.
• Surname, name, middle name of the author (initials) - after the name of article (in the Russian and English languages). At the end of article completely full name and also academic degree, rank, position, the name of the organization, contact information (phone, fax, e-mail).
• The summary (in Russian, Kyrgyz and English languages, computer translation is not allowed). The summary has to be of 100-250 words, should not contain references to literature, an abbreviation and reduction.
• Keywords in the Russian, Kyrgyz and English (no more than 10 words).
• The text, tabular and graphic material, the list of references are made out according to requirements of GOST P 7.0.7-2021 "Articles in journals and collections". Bibliographic footnotes and references are made out in accordance with GOST P 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic exile".
• Self-citing in any kind and repeated citing one author or authors are forbidden and are subject to removal as unjustified (an exception - reference to the beginning, earlier published research, or the similar reference (no more than 2).
• Citing two and more references of foreign authors - specialists in a research subject (in original language, it is desirable on articles from journals) is recommended.
• Citing the literature 30%, published within 5 years is recommended. Avoid to quote inaccessible, compulsory and inappropriate references. At the reference to the data obtained from the Internet the e-mail address of primary source of information and date of the address are specified in parentheses. For example: URL: of the address: 19.05.2019).
• Citing pseudoscientific, unscientific and scientific popular sources (brochures, newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, educational and educational and methodical grants, reference books) and also news feeds and blogs is not recommended if it is not justified by research logic. It is possible to maintain sendings in the text if it is necessary.
• References to citation sources in the text of the article are made in square brackets in the order of use in accordance with GOST.
After the notice about adoption of article in the journal, the author has to send in edition the completed author's contract on transfer of the non-exclusive rights to use the work in duplicate. The text of the contract is posted on the website " Vestnik KRSU".
The editorial office of the journal takes cognizance only of the manuscripts which are not published earlier: articles, translations, publications of archival sources, overlooks, reviews, etc. All articles without fail undergo testing according to the “Antiplagiat” program.
The required originality of the text of articles has to be not less than 70%.
Extensive repetitions of excerpts from previously published works of the author (authors) are one of the grounds for refusing publication.
Presenting in the editorial team listing of the manuscript and the text in the file form, the author is responsible for the identity of both options.
The publishing house reserves the right for the editorial changes which are not distorting the main contents of article.
Authors of the published materials bear responsibility for selection and accuracy of the given facts, quotes, own names and other data and also for contents of the data which are not subject to the open publication.
At failure to follow the above rules and requirements, the editorial board reserves the right to reject articles without preliminary reviewing.