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Printing ethics

Printing ethics of the Journal “Vestnik KRSU”  with all responsibility approaching a problem of maintaining scientific reputation, all thematic series of the Journal “Vestnik KRSU”  (further – the Journal) in the work adhere to the principles of printing ethics accepted by Association of scientific editors and publishers (Russia) (The declaration of Association of scientific editors and publishers "Ethical principles of scientific publications") and also follow the principles and norms of printing ethics reflected in the recommendations of Committee on ethics of scientific publications (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Article 1. Journal ethics:

1.1. The publication of materials in "Vestnik KRSU" is carried out on a paid basis.

1.2. The journal does not accept to the publication earlier published material, including partially and in foreign languages.

1.3. The journal undertakes to carry out selection of materials of the publication on the submitted review and proceeding from the criteria accepted in the Journal meeting standards of scientific ethics and also legal requirements: prevention of slander, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

1.4. The journal undertakes to estimate the materials which arrived to the publication, based on the principle of the impartial attitude towards race, a floor, ethnic origin, nationality, political and religious views of the author.

1.5. The journal undertakes to represent the qualified experts for drawing up the review of the material given to the publication.

1.6. The journal undertakes to carry out double "blind" reviewing and to make the decision on publication, a deviation or sending for completion of material within two months from the moment of its receipt.

1.7. The journal undertakes to notify in case of making decision on publication the author on presumable terms of a release of number from printing house, in case of making decision on a deviation and sending for completion — to present sufficient justifications of this decision.

1.8. In case of drawing up the negative review the magazine undertakes to provide upon the demand of the author to the author of the material rejected for printing a review copy without indication of authorship.

1.9. The journal undertakes to check the materials which arrived to the publication in the system of check of the borrowed material.

1.10. The journal undertakes to take measures at receipt of reasonable complaints of ethical character in respect of the filed or earlier published materials: consideration, discussion of the complaint with governing bodies of the Journal, publication of correction, a denial or the corresponding statement.

1.11. The editorial office of the Journal reserves the right for holding a procedure of retraction of articles. Retraction is understood as withdrawal of the materials given to the Journal in the following cases: 1) identification of the facts of a fabrication or the falsification provided in article of data, 2) detection in it unreasonable (in fact, on volume) loans (plagiarism). Retraction can be made both in the course of editorial work on article, and after publication of the manuscript (in case the listed above facts became known later). In this case, retraction of article is made as from the Journal and from its official site, and from scientific databases where article was unloaded. The relevant information is published by the Journal in the following ambassador of the work of the procedure of retraction number.

1.12 The journal undertakes not to disclose information on the presented materials to someone to another, except for the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, the staff of publishing house.

1.13. The journal undertakes not to use the materials sent to the publication in own work of the editors, reviewers and other employees involved with the manuscript.

1.14. The journal undertakes to refuse consideration of the materials given to the publication in the presence of the conflict of interests and also to demand from the author of providing information on existence of the conflict of interests.

1.15. The journal encourages scientific discussions and gives opportunity for statement of the point of view of opponents.

1.16. The journal undertakes not to cancel solutions of the previous structure on the publication of material when changing structure of editorial board.

Article 2. Author's ethics:

2.1. The author of the materials, given to the publication in the Journal, has to reason relevance of the researches and guarantee the accuracy of the data provided in material confirming the achieved results, and objectivity of a research;

2.2. The author has to guarantee originality of the presented materials, making out quotes of other authors agrees to the Requirements accepted by the Journal;

2.3. The author has to guarantee absence in the given materials of any forms of scientific plagiarism;

2.4. The author has to guarantee that the material given to the publication is not at time under consideration of other Journals;

2.5. The author has to guarantee publicity in materials of names of all persons, which made a contribution to the research given to the publication or inclusion of their names in number of coauthors, or having expressed them gratitude on pages of materials;

2.6. The author has to guarantee the consent of all coauthors with final option of the materials given to the publication;

2.7. The author is recommended to specify sources of financial support of a research in the materials given to the publication.

2.8. The author has to inform immediately the Journal on noticed in the materials given to the publication mistakes.

Article 3. Ethics of the reviewer

The reviewer, participating in expert assessment is obliged:

 3.1. To provide motivated critical remarks and to be guided by the following objective scientific criteria for evaluation of article: compliance to the Journal profile, scientific novelty, completeness and reliability of results of a research, relevance, importance, correctness and accuracy of definitions and formulations, style, conclusions.

3.2. To make objective and impartial decisions.

3.3. To observe confidentiality, not to allow discussion of work with other persons except for the persons authorized by editorial board for work with the manuscript of the author.

3.4. Not to use information obtained during reviewing for personal benefit.

3.5. To tell editorial board and to refuse process of examination of the manuscript if, according to the reviewer, his qualification is not enough for review of the material submitted on the review or in case, violation of terms of consideration of the manuscript is possible.

3.6. To make decisions based on the concrete facts and to provide proofs of the decision.

3.7. To draw the attention of members of editorial board to essential or partial similarity of the estimated manuscript to any other work and also the facts of lack of references to the provisions, conclusions or arguments which are earlier published in other works of it or other authors.

3.8. To render assistance to the author in improvement of quality article.

3.9. Not to use materials of the unpublished manuscript in own researches.