РИНЦте катталган
Журнал «КРСУ жарчысы», 2008 год, Том 8, № 5, Стр. 57-59. УДК 616.147.17-007.64-089 (575.2) (04)
Автор тууралуу маалымат:

Мадаминов А.М. – докт. мед. наук, профессор,
Субанов А.А. – канд. мед. наук, ст. преподаватель,
Айтбаев М.Б. – соискатель

Мадаминов А.М., Субанов А.А., Айтбаев М.Б.
Аннотация орус тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

Түйүндүү сөздөр орус тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

Мадаминов А.М., Субанов А.А., Айтбаев М.Б.
Аннотация кыргыз тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

Түйүндүү сөздөр кыргыз тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

Мадаминов А.М., Субанов А.А., Айтбаев М.Б.
Аннотация англис тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

Түйүндүү сөздөр англис тилинде:

The results of surgical treatment of 116 patients with different form of hemor- rhoids operated by suggested methods in the department of proctology are discussed.

ГОСТ боюнча чыгуу маалыматтарын көчүрүү
Мадаминов А.М. ХИРУРГИЧЕСКОЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ГЕМОРРОЯ / А.М. Мадаминов, А.А. Субанов, М.Б. Айтбаев // КРСУ жарчысы. 2008. Т. 8. № 5. С. 57-59.