Попов В.В. – докт. физ.-мат наук, профессор,
Летник Д.А. – Израиль, Хайфа
Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.
Түйүндүү сөздөр орус тилинде:Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.
Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.
Түйүндүү сөздөр кыргыз тилинде:Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.
Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.
Түйүндүү сөздөр англис тилинде:Process of charging and a value of the stationary charge of conducting particles due to a photo effect are discussed. An essential influence of the external electrostatic field on the charge’s value is shown. Conditions, when the particle’s shape does not influence on the value of its charge are estimated. Screening of the charged sphere by electron plasma is investigated. Numerical estimations are given.